Whether you are a participant, coach, a referee or responsible for running a club, you will find information here about the insurance, arranged by British Judo through their insurers, to protect you whilst you are taking part in our sport. The insurance pages can be accessed at any time under ‘Insurance’ at the membership tab on the BJA site or by clicking here
From our President...
May I take this opportunity to welcome all our visitors to our Website.
Firstly it is necessary to record mine and the Area’s thanks to those whose expertise and hard work have setup the web for the Area initially, and now it is up to us to use the site as it is intended.
It will be of great interest and help both to yourselves and those visiting the site to know how to reach you in your clubs, a contact number, location and practice times, and who to talk to. I am sure that this will lead to many enquiries for information on how to join and when.
We have now put the Area Newsletter in the site; as well as maintaining a mailing list for those of us who are not yet using the internet, of course there are many who like to read a magazine delivered to them, and this will continue.
Information on the activities of your clubs would be of interest, how your fighters have got on at events and where they stand in the bigger picture of National, Area and County representation, and any other interesting information on your club and its forthcoming activities. If you have any doubts as to what maybe published please contact the Webmaster for information.